At the heart of ULI are our members and the organization is defined by what our members contribute to their communities, each other, and the real estate industry. A privilege of membership in ULI is that you can become involved in leadership opportunities by involvement in our local committees.
Connect. Learn. Give Back.
Bringing the industry together. It’s all about the people — individuals with diverse experiences, building better communities and successful careers, through participation in ULI.
Membership focuses on Retention, Integration, and Recruitment of ULI Virginia members. Activities include ULI Orientation Breakfasts, new member recruitment receptions, recruitment of new members at ULI events, and the Ambassador program. Participation requires a passion for greeting, contacting, and recruiting existing and potential members.
The Programs Committee develops and produces programs and events to educate members, non-members, and public agencies on issues pertinent to land use and real estate development.
Young Leaders Group (YLG)
The Young Leaders group creates a unique setting for early-career professionals and students under the age of 35 by offering opportunities for the next generation of leaders to develop professional skills and build relationships that will help advance their careers while fostering an understanding of thoughtful development practices. One of the most popular Young Leader programs is the year-long Mentorship Forum, wherein senior ULI members support, coach and encourage the next generation of land use leaders by providing mentorship and insight into their career trajectory.
ULI members volunteer at Old Dominion University or Virginia Commonwealth University as facilitators and jurors for this classroom-based program utilizing the realities of land use and real estate development in senior economics classes. Classroom volunteers must attend a full-day training. Program runs fall, summer, and spring semesters.
Technical Assistance Panel (TAP)
The Technical Assistance Panel Committee facilitates bringing together experts to provide strategic advice to municipalities and nonprofits on land-use and real estate challenges and opportunities.
Annual Conference
The ULI Virginia Annual Conference brings together leaders from every sector of the real estate industry: developers, investors, architects, planners, brokers, academics, attorneys, decision makers, and public officials. Our conference is a mini version of the ULI National Fall Conference with keynotes speaker, break-out sessions, tours, and ample networking opportunities.
The Sponsorship Committee solicits financial support from area businesses and friends of ULI. Annual sponsorship provides over 50% of ULI Virginia’s annual budget and is vital to continuing our locally-focused mission.
Local Product Council
The ULI Virginia Local Product Council provides an opportunity for members to share and discuss with their peers’ pertinent issues that real estate and land use professionals face each day. Sharing many of the same characteristics as a National ULI Product Council, the ULI Virginia Local Product Council is consistent with ULI’s tradition of sharing experiences gained, mistakes made, and lessons learned. Please know that to get the most out of your experience, confidentiality is crucial.
Young Leader Mentorship Forum
The mission of the ULI Virginia Mentor Forum is to foster an exchange of professional ideas and mentorship between experienced executives in the industry (“Mentors”) and young real estate professionals (“Mentees”) under the age of 35. Mentees will have the chance to learn from experienced industry players and bounce career-related ideas off someone they might not have otherwise met. To gain the most out of this program, it is crucial that Mentees approach the program as an opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional, not as an opportunity to land your next job. Mentors volunteer their time to make a connection with the younger generation and there is an expectation that the relationship will be respected accordingly. One of ULI’s primary functions is to promote the highest level of professionalism and as we head toward greater specialization in our industry this program will give Mentees the opportunity for a broader range of professional experience than offered in their current positions. This program also offers Mentors the opportunity to strengthen ties with future leaders of the local real estate community and the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on real estate while gaining additional experience as an advisor, supporter, and coach.
Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI)
Supporting the WLI Mission, WLI Virginia promotes the following themes in all its initiative:
- Leadership Education
- Meaningful Relationship Building
- Raising the profile of Women at ULI Washington and other industry events
WLI Virginia includes:
- One on one mentorship program for women by women.
- Leadership education series of events focused on providing tactics, tools and skills needed for advancement into leadership roles.
- Meaningful networking and relationship building series of events programmed around fun and interesting activities while providing opportunities for women in the industry to build relationships with one another.
- Signature series of events held at noteworthy venues and featuring presentations / keynote speakers relevant for personal and professional growth and development